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Unexpected Circumstances

Most students enjoy their off-campus experience without substantial difficulty. But circumstances sometimes change, and students are often surprised to learn they cannot cancel their lease.

Even if you encounter difficulties with roommates or finances, transfer or relocate, take a leave of absence, or if campus closes the lease contract is binding. If a lease does not specifically provide an option to cancel early, the lease will be binding for the entire term. Before you sign, evaluate whether you are prepared to fully accept the obligations for the entire term of the lease.

Resources are available to help students navigate unexpected challenges. Save and/or print a copy for future reference.

When considering whether you can commit to the full term of a lease, do not assume you will be able to sublet or assign the remainder of your lease if you move out early. Landlords are not required to allow subleases or assignments and finding a suitable replacement tenant is often difficult. If your lease allows subletting or assignment, both processes usually involve additional costs and may require that you take on additional risks or responsibilities.